23 Sunday
February, 2014
54 day of 2014
311 days remaining

8:30 AM Youth Leader Meeting at Family of Christ
9:30 AM Worship with Communion at Family of Christ

Volunteer Task Assignments -
-AV Tech: Christopher Flegel -Acolyte: (none assigned) -Communion Setup: Gerry Wills -Communion Server: (none assigned) -Greeter: (none assigned) -Fellowship: Gerry Wills -Lector: (none assigned) -Nursery: Christopher Flegel, Shannon Flegel -Offering: Jeanne Miller, Miles Miller -Usher: (none assigned) -Opener: Sherry Goodman -Closer: Matt Redenius
10:40 AM Education Hour for all ages at Family of Christ

Additional Rooms: 131, 127, 125, 121, 113, 109, 107, 105, 100, 005
Included Groups: Crosswalk, Adult Education, Children Ministries