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Sunday 2/23/2014
8:30 AM Click for details Youth Leader Mtg
Youth Leader Meeting
Family of Christ
9:30 AM Click for details Worship (C)
Worship with Communion
Family of Christ
Volunteer/Task opportunities exist for this event.
10:40 AM Click for details Education Hour
Education Hour for all ages
Family of Christ
Additional Rooms: 131, 127, 125, 121, 113, 109, 107, 105, 100, 005 Included Groups: Children Ministries, Adult Education, Crosswalk

Monday 2/24/2014
7:00 PM Click for details Troop #262 mtg
Boy Scout Troop #262 meeting
Family of Christ

Tuesday 2/25/2014
6:30 AM Click for details Men's Bible Study
Men's Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Family of Christ
Included Groups: Bible Study
10:00 AM Click for details N/A Group
Tues AM Women's Recovery Group
Family of Christ
4:30 PM Click for details Social Skill Bldr 1
Social Skills Builders Group #1
Family of Christ
6:00 PM Click for details Social Skill Bldr 2
Social Skill Builders Group #2
Family of Christ
7:00 PM Click for details CC Info Meeting
CC Info Meeting (make-up from snow storm)
Family of Christ
7:00 PM Click for details AA Mtg
AA Meeting
Family of Christ

Wednesday 2/26/2014
6:00 PM Click for details Pizza & Gathering
Pizza & Gathering 6-6:30 in MPR
Family of Christ
6:30 PM Click for details Fusion in Kitchen
Cara White & Fusion meets in kitchen
Family of Christ
6:30 PM Click for details 10-12th Gr Agape
10th -12th Grade Agape
Family of Christ
Included Groups: Crosswalk
6:30 PM Click for details 7-8-9 Gr Conf
7-8-9th Grade Confirmation classes
Family of Christ
Additional Rooms: 127, 125 Included Groups: 8th grade confirmation, 9th grade confirmation, 10th Graders Volunteer/Task opportunities exist for this event.
6:30 PM Click for details 6th Gr Fusion
6th Grade Fusion class
Family of Christ
6:30 PM Click for details KFC (gr 4/5)
KFC - Kids for Christ
Family of Christ
Included Groups: CW Youth Leaders

Thursday 2/27/2014
6:30 AM Click for details Men's Bible
Men's Bible Study
Family of Christ
Included Groups: Bible Study
7:00 PM Click for details AA Group
Weekly Twelve Traditions meeting of AA
Family of Christ

Friday 2/28/2014
No events scheduled.

Saturday 3/1/2014
9:00 AM Click for details Social Skills I
Social Skills Group
Family of Christ
9:00 AM Click for details AA Group
Weekly meeting of local chapter of AA
Family of Christ
10:30 AM Click for details Social Skills II
Social Skills Group II
Family of Christ
12:30 PM Click for details Social Skills III
Social Skills III
Family of Christ

January, 2014
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February, 2014
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March, 2014
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